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Decision Makers, Policy Shapers: Your Inside Look at Politics... Medicine Hat and Beyond

Council Highlights September 3, 2024 Copy
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Council Highlights September 3, 2024 Copy

This summary provides a brief overview of City Council meetings and does not reflect all discussion and debate. For full details, download the agenda package or watch the full meeting on the City of Medicine Hat’s YouTube channel.
Clark v City of Medicine Hat - The Decision
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Clark v City of Medicine Hat - The Decision

The Honourable Justice R.E. Nation has released her decision on the judicial review initiated by Mayor Clark. In short, Justice Nation upheld the fact that Clark did breach the code of conduct but the sanctions were not commensurate with the breach.
Councillor Robert Dumanowski - In His Own Words
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Councillor Robert Dumanowski - In His Own Words

While the mayor’s legal counsel portrayed the defense in the judicial review as simple and straightforward, it is evident that there was a deeper layer of truth understood by city council that was not fully disclosed to the public. The judicial review process was deliberately focused on the events of August 21, 2023, however, in reality, the entire proceedings leading up to the review obscured critical facts that remained concealed from the general public, but were clearly understood by the rest of council.
Councillors Call Clark's Comments on her Actions and the Judicial Review ‘Misleading'
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Councillors Call Clark's Comments on her Actions and the Judicial Review ‘Misleading'

Councilors are disappointed with the misleading comments made by Clark during her interview this week. The Sentinel reached out to multiple councillors that have watched her interview for comment on Clark’s position and statements.
The base is looking for something better
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The base is looking for something better

The conservative movement is restless. In politics, summer is supposed to be the time of barbecues and glad-handing. But away from the carefully orchestrated events hosted by the most partisan insiders, the base is asking questions. Why are we paying so much for power and heat? Why are we having so many grid alerts threatening electricity brownouts? And when exactly did I sign up to support Net Zero decarbonization schemes?
Drew  Barnes - Sun City Sentinel
Summer has arrived.  You can smell it in the air
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Summer has arrived. You can smell it in the air

With it comes a chance to disconnect from the hustle and bustle, and take some time to recharge. It’s also time for campfires and deep thoughts. And for the politically inclined, it’s a chance to take a long hard look at the issues facing our families, our communities, our economy, and the province we love. With that in mind, I’ve put together a list of five things to think about this summer.
Drew  Barnes - Sun City Sentinel
Council Highlights June 17 2024
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Council Highlights June 17 2024

This summary provides a brief overview of City Council meetings and does not reflect all discussion and debate.
Council Highlights June 3 2024
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Council Highlights June 3 2024

This summary provides a brief overview of City Council meetings and does not reflect all discussion and debate. For full details, download the agenda package or watch the full meeting on the City of Medicine Hat’s YouTube channel.
Union hubris presents opportunity for Provinces
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Union hubris presents opportunity for Provinces

To call it shocking would be an understatement. Canada’s largest public sector unions have declared a “summer of discontent” over the idea that, starting Sept. 9th, employees will have to report to their assigned office three days a week, rather than two days a week.
Drew  Barnes - Sun City Sentinel
Security improvements pending at City Hall
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Security improvements pending at City Hall

City Hall will undergo changes to public access as part of an ongoing effort to ensure the safety of staff and visitors, and to address growing concerns related to security, safety and appropriate use of the facility.
Council Clearly Considers Clark's Request Unwarranted
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Council Clearly Considers Clark's Request Unwarranted

In a heated city council meeting last night, it was clear that council considered Clark's request for detailed report on spending, severance and staffing changes, unwarranted at best and vindictive at the worst.
Budget 2024 Survey Results for Medicine Hat - Cardston - Warner
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Budget 2024 Survey Results for Medicine Hat - Cardston - Warner

Financial Impact: Individuals, businesses, and municipalities have all reported significant financial strain due to increases in the cost of essentials such as groceries, gas, and home heating. Businesses have particularly felt the burden of rising payroll taxes and the carbon tax.
The Economy: Why the UCP Receives a Failing Grade
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The Economy: Why the UCP Receives a Failing Grade

Albertans trusted the UCP on managing the economy well in Alberta - that was a huge mistake!
Clark Code of Conduct Report Released
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Clark Code of Conduct Report Released

Code of Conduct report released and it’s heavily redacted.
Mayor Clark Breaches Council Code of Conduct and Severely Sanctioned by Council
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Mayor Clark Breaches Council Code of Conduct and Severely Sanctioned by Council

Medicine Hat city council has found Mayor Linnsie Clark in substantial breach of the council code of conduct bylaw and severely sanctioned as a result.
Special meeting of Council: March 21 at Noon
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Special meeting of Council: March 21 at Noon

A special meeting of Medicine Hat City Council has been scheduled for Thursday, March 21 at 12 p.m. in City Council Chambers.
Fair Deal progress stalled… again.
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Fair Deal progress stalled… again.

Under the Constitution, every Canadian province has the right to collect its own taxes. Quebec, for example, has been collecting its own provincial taxes since 1954. Alberta collecting its own provincial taxes only makes sense. It creates jobs in Alberta for Albertans using tax money that would have been sent to and misused by Ottawa. As our province already collects its own provincial corporate income taxes, an administration system is already in place, minimizing the need for any new expenses
Drew  Barnes - Sun City Sentinel
KPMG will conduct Medicine Hat’s energy business review
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KPMG will conduct Medicine Hat’s energy business review

On Sept. 5, 2023, Medicine Hat City Council directed administration to convene an independent third-party review of the City’s energy business to confirm overall strategic approach to ensure best value for the community. Through a request for proposal (CMH23-113), the City of Medicine Hat awarded the contract to KPMG LLP.
Alberta’s Groundhog Day budget promises more of the same, forever
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Alberta’s Groundhog Day budget promises more of the same, forever

But nothing changed. The 2024 budget, released this week, calls for $73 billion in spending. When you include population growth and inflation, spending remains at NDP levels. Fed up with Jason Kenney’s Ontario-style big spending policies, Albertans expected change under Danielle Smith, who took the reins as Premier in October of 2022.
Drew  Barnes - Sun City Sentinel
2024 Pre-Budget Survey
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2024 Pre-Budget Survey

Complete this survey to allow me to bring your voice to Ottawa in anticipation of the 2024 Federal Budget.
Mayor Clark Tries And Fails At What’s Best For The City
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Mayor Clark Tries And Fails At What’s Best For The City

It’s unfortunate that a recall petition and very little confidence from council, in light of stripping away some of her powers, doesn’t make Mayor Clark a little more humble in her role.
Climate subsidies: Costs outweigh the benefits
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Climate subsidies: Costs outweigh the benefits

The Ottawa Brain Trust announced a new methane credit trading system designed to limit the emissions of cattle burps. The idea here is to pressure ranchers into feeding more corn as well as potentially some chemical additives to reduce methane emissions.
Drew  Barnes - Sun City Sentinel
All aboard the Net Zero express
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All aboard the Net Zero express

"Sure, Smith talks tough when the cameras are on – but she’s more than happy to play ball with the federal government and the World Economic Forum the second you’re not looking."
Drew  Barnes - Sun City Sentinel
Our Military Deserves Better
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Our Military Deserves Better

Members of our Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) wholeheartedly commit to protecting our great nation and place themselves in harm's way if the call of duty demands it. However, it is painful when one considers the many ways in which this Liberal government has failed them.
Medicine Hat City Council Highlights November 6 2023
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Medicine Hat City Council Highlights November 6 2023

This summary provides a brief overview of City Council meetings and does not reflect all discussion and debate. For full details, download the  agenda package  or watch the full meeting on the  City of Medicine Hat’s YouTube channel. 
UCP in no danger of becoming Wildrose 2.0
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UCP in no danger of becoming Wildrose 2.0

As a proud former Wildrose MLA, I can tell you for certain that the UCP is in no immediate danger of becoming Wildrose 2.0. But you probably won’t hear that from the CBC. It doesn’t fit their narrative.
Drew  Barnes - Sun City Sentinel
Conservative values series:  Economic freedom requires economic responsibility
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Conservative values series: Economic freedom requires economic responsibility

Economic freedom is not just a slogan. It is something that can be quantified and tracked, using a variety of indicators, including the size of government, the effectiveness of courts, freedom of trade, and regulatory efficiency. High economic freedom rankings are important because they are closely linked with the reduction of poverty, longer life expectancy, and improved quality of life. Historically speaking, Canadians have enjoyed relatively high levels of economic freedom, although our nation has been slipping of late according to two recent reports.
Drew  Barnes - Sun City Sentinel
Your pension is none of Trudeau’s business
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Your pension is none of Trudeau’s business

Last week, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau took his anti-Alberta condescension to a whole new level, lecturing the government of Alberta for consulting on the creation of an Alberta Pension Plan. Fresh off a Supreme Court ruling detailing how his government violated the Constitution of Canada with regard to its C-69 “no more pipelines” law, the Prime Minister seems determined to repeat his mistake. In his open letter to the Premier, Trudeau stated he has instructed his cabinet and officials to do “everything possible” to ensure the CPP remains intact.
Drew  Barnes - Sun City Sentinel
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Petition to Recall Mayor Submitted to City

The City of Medicine Hat has received official notice of a mayoral recall petition from Nicole Frey of Medicine Hat, in accordance with the Municipal Government Act
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Smaller Government is Non-Negotiable

Smaller government can’t just mean smaller than the NDP.
Drew  Barnes - Sun City Sentinel
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Conservative Values Series: The Conservative Free Market Identity Crisis

If it seems to you like the modern conservative movement is having an identity crisis, you’re not wrong. Nowhere is this more apparent than the waning commitment to free markets. Generally speaking, small-scale conservatives understand that free markets are the most efficient and the most effective way to grow our economy. The forces of supply and demand create competition, which helps ensure that the best goods and services are provided to consumers at the lowest possible price.
Drew  Barnes - Sun City Sentinel
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Poilievre's Message of Hope

Canadians across the county are connecting with Pierre Poilievre's message of hope.
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Council Highlights of September 5 2023

Under new business, City Council approved a Cost Pressure Relief Program as amended. $200 per month for the months of August, September, October and November be applied to each Residential Utility Account holder, including residential units represented by condo associations and other housing-based associations as a community cost pressure relief program, commencing with a double initial payment on the billing cycle of September 18, 2023.
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Sparks Fly At Council Meeting Over Power Generation Strategic Review

Sparks were flying - all pun intended - between councilors regarding the motion and debate around a strategic review of the power utility. It was clear that two camps emerged on the issue of a strategic review when the ownership structure of the utility was included in the motion. Councilor Van Dyke, Chair of the Energy committee, was adamant that no ownership review be in the motion and made an amendment to remove it. Councilor Robbins, Dumanowksi and Mayor Clark all supported the amendment but were voted down by council 5-4.
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Power Rebates Recommended

The City of Medicine Hat administration is recommending power rebates for September, October and November to homeowners and small and medium size businesses that are on city utilities in the franchise area. The proposal is for homeowners to receive $200/month and small and medium size business to receive $500/month for the next 3 months. The proposal is for a total of $25 million to be rebated to ratepayers. The power utility is forecasted to earn more than $60 million more than originally budgeted.
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Trap Neuter Return Bylaw Finally Passes Council

After many months, pros and cons and much input from the community, the Trap Neuter Return (TNR) bylaw passes council unanimously…with an amendment.
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A Fair Deal: The song that never ends

If you’re a parent or you’ve ever gone on a long car ride with small children, at some point you have likely heard the aptly titled, “Song that never ends.” For those who’ve forgotten it, allow me to refresh your memory. The lyrics go like this: “This is the song that never ends. It goes on and on, my friend! Some people started singing it not knowing what it was, And they will continue singing it forever just because…”
Drew  Barnes - Sun City Sentinel
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Choosing Our Future Our Way

There’s no nice way to say it: public faith in Canada’s democratic institutions is dying.
Drew  Barnes - Sun City Sentinel
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Utility Rates for August Rise

Regulated rate option energy rates on the rise for August.
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The Era of Big Government Must End

There’s an old saying: The bigger the government, the smaller the citizen. This has never been more apparent in Canada.
Drew  Barnes - Sun City Sentinel