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2024 Pre-Budget Survey

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Complete this survey to allow me to bring your voice to Ottawa in anticipation of the 2024 Federal Budget.

2024 Pre-Budget Survey
February 22, 2024

MP Glen Motz Launches Surveys in Advance of Federal Budget

February 22, 2024                                                                               FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

Medicine Hat, AB – Glen Motz, Member of Parliament for Medicine Hat-Cardston-Warner launched his annual Budget surveys in an effort to bring constituents’ views to Ottawa. This year there are two survey streams designed to gather specific information. One for municipal leaders to better understand what communities need, and one for individual constituents to provide input with questions included at the end of for business owners about the unique challenges they face.

“Ottawa needs to hear from you,” MP Motz said. “Decisions made by the NDP-Liberal coalition continue to punish hard working families, farmers, energy workers and small businesses. These surveys will allow me to bring your voice to Ottawa, but I need your input to do it,” he said.

The short surveys are intended to get a clear picture of how people in the riding are impacted by taxes, debt, and inflation as well as what is needed for families, small businesses and municipalities to move forward in restoring jobs and our economy.

Constituents of Medicine Hat-Cardston-Warner are encouraged to take the survey available at:

Municipality surveys have been emailed directly to mayors, reeves and councils to collect responses.

The deadline to submit the surveys is Friday, March 15, 2024.

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