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Mayor Clark Breaches Council Code of Conduct and Severely Sanctioned by Council

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Medicine Hat city council has found Mayor Linnsie Clark in substantial breach of the council code of conduct bylaw and severely sanctioned as a result.

Mayor Clark Breaches Council Code of Conduct and Severely Sanctioned by Council
March 21, 2024

Medicine Hat, AB - Medicine Hat city council has found Mayor Linnsie Clark in substantial breach of the council code of conduct bylaw and severely sanctioned as a result.

Legal council found Mayor Clark to be in substantial breach of the council code of conduct bylaw and council moved unanimously to do the following regarding Mayor Clark and her actions toward CAO Ann Mitchell:

  • Publication of a letter of reprimand and request for apology, in the form read out by the Acting Mayor on behalf of Council
  • Suspension of her duties related to her role
  • She can no longer speak on behalf of council
  • She is prohibited from having contact with administration other than by email which will be required to have all of council carbon copied and if in person only in the presence of another member of council
  • She can no longer be present at administration committee meetings
  • Her salary will reduced by 50% effective immediately due to her reduced role

Council has made a very clear statement that her ability to work collaboratively is non existent and that in light of her actions she will be Mayor in name only.

Mayor Clark responded to the decision through social media only by stating the following:

“I ran on a platform of change for the citizens of Medicine Hat who were concerned about administrative overreach and poor governance at City Hall. I stand by those principles. I believe holding the City’s administration to account is the role of Council. 

I gave up my job as a lawyer for the City to fight for what I believe is right for Medicine Hat. That is what I did, and will continue to do that now.

I fundamentally disagree with the decision of Council. I find Council’s sanction shocking and absolutely disproportionate. I am reviewing my legal options and expect to be in a position to provide a further public response after I have done so."

Mayor Clark declined to comment directly to media outlets on the decision. As much as Clark disagrees with council on the nature of the sanctions, sources have told the Sentinel on the condition of anonymity that Mayor Clark's behaviour and treatment towards others in city administration has been disrespectful and unprofessional bordering on harassment.

This would suggest that the Clark has a pattern of behaviour that was untenable to council and was clearly unwilling to change that behaviour.

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