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Council Highlights September 3, 2024 Copy

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This summary provides a brief overview of City Council meetings and does not reflect all discussion and debate. For full details, download the agenda package or watch the full meeting on the City of Medicine Hat’s YouTube channel.

Council Highlights September 3, 2024 Copy
September 17, 2024

This summary provides a brief overview of City Council meetings and does not reflect all discussion and debate. For full details, download the agenda package or watch the full meeting on the City of Medicine Hat’s YouTube channel.
Under Councillor Announcements:

  • City Manager Mitchell and Councillor Robins offered a thank you to Managing Director of Public Services, Brian Stauth, as this is his final City Council meeting as Managing Director before retiring. 
  • Councillor Hider advised Council that she, along with Mayor Clark and City Manager Mitchell, recently had the opportunity to visit ROC Modular in Bow Island. She expressed appreciation to the ROC group for the opportunity.
    City Council received the following items into the corporate record:
  • Public Services Committee Meeting Minutes of August 26, 2024
  • Corporate Services Committee Meeting Minutes of August 22, 2024
  • Energy, Land and Environment Committee Meeting Minutes of September 5, 2024
    City Council received the following items for information:
  • 2023 Annual Report - Fleet, Facilities and Asset Management
  • Southeastern Alberta Search and Rescue Association (SEASAR) Collaboration Opportunities
  • Corporate Services Committee Outstanding Items of August 22, 2024
  • Public Services Committee Outstanding Items of August 26, 2024
  • Energy, Land and Environment Committee Outstanding Items of September 5, 2024
    Representatives from the Root Cellar Food and Wellness Hub presented to City Council. Warren Stark, Board Chair, and Melissa Mullis, Executive Director, spoke to the work being done by their organization and the increase in food security challenges in the community.
    Under Unfinished Business, City Council:
  • approved amendments to Bylaw 4805 Council Code of Conduct and directed administration to begin the selection process for an Integrity Commissioner and bring forward a recommended candidate for Council's consideration.
  • approved a recommendation to deny a tax cancellation request to 1061108 Alberta Ltd, in relation to two properties on Brier Park Way NE.
    Under New Business, City Council:
  • approves the amendments to Policy 8016 - Staff Recruitment and Selection, as presented. The amendments include updated language to reflect the current organizational structure and ensure recruitment practices are current and reflect an evolving workforce.
  • rescinded Policy 8031 - Job Description, as the development of job descriptions is better managed through a defined operational process rather than policy.
    Under Committee Business, City Council:
  • received a presentation from Marty Robinson, Director of Information Technology, titled Connected Local Government. In response to Council’s motion of July 15, 2024, the presentation provided an options analysis and recommendation for the 2025-2026 budget deliberations for a “single window” concept to promote, facilitate, and streamline the connection of residents with their local government. Following the presentation, City Council defeated a recommendation to engage third-party support to prepare a strategic long term 311- like Program Plan including assessment of operational and organizational impact, options for program setup and delivery, options for voice and digital, and a citizen customer relationship management system. Instead, administration will continue to improve the functionality and usability of the digital foundation set by the Citizen Facing Digital Strategy, that resulted in a redesigned website and citizen portal.
  • received a presentation from Lola Barta, Director of Finance on Reserves and Distributable Funds. Following the presentation, City Council gave first and second reading to Bylaw 4827, Medicine Hat Endowment Fund. Amendments to Policy 0168 - Financial Reserve, and Policy 0169 - Distributable Funds Dividend will return to City Council for decision at a later date.
  • received a presentation from Rochelle Pancoast, Managing Director of Energy, Land and Environment, on the City of Medicine Hat’s Energy Business Strategy.
  • authorized administration to offer for sale the properties municipally described as 990 and 1002 South Railway Street SE for the appraised value of $399,990.00.
  • approved a recommendation to implement a capital grant application process which will proceed without an allocated budget and will adhere to eligibility criteria.
  • approved amendments to Policy 0107 - Employee Business Expense. The amendments provide additional clarity on expenses incurred by City employees for travel and other business expenses such as memberships and dues, gifts, employee appreciation, and in town meals.
  • approved amendments to Policy 0108 - Vehicle Allowance and Mileage to provide additional clarity on the use of personal vehicles to conduct City business.
  • gave first reading to Bylaw 4792 to amend Bylaw 2244 the Electric Utility Bylaw.
  • gave first reading to Bylaw 4801 to amend Bylaw 2489 the Gas Utility Bylaw.
  • gave first reading to Bylaw 4829 the road closure bylaw to close a portion of Bell Street and sell it to Haven of Rest Medicine Hat to consolidate into their existing property at 1720 Bell Street SW for the purpose of an expanded developable site for their building addition.
    City Council approved a motion to delay the following items to the October 7, 2024 City Council meeting:
  • Item 12.6. Amended Policy 0107 – Employee Business Expense
  • Item 12.7. Amended Policy 0108 – Vehicle Allowance and Mileage Reimbursement Policy
  • Item 12.11. Revised Heritage Resources Policy 0144 and Repeal of Bylaw 4114 Heritage Resources Committee
  • Item 12.12. City Facility Recognition/Commemoration Policy 0177
    The next City Council meeting is Monday, October 7 at 6:30 pm. in Council Chambers.

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