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The base is looking for something better

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The conservative movement is restless. In politics, summer is supposed to be the time of barbecues and glad-handing. But away from the carefully orchestrated events hosted by the most partisan insiders, the base is asking questions. Why are we paying so much for power and heat? Why are we having so many grid alerts threatening electricity brownouts? And when exactly did I sign up to support Net Zero decarbonization schemes?

The base is looking for something better
July 13, 2024

The base is looking for something better

The conservative movement is restless.

In politics, summer is supposed to be the time of barbecues and glad-handing. But away from the carefully orchestrated events hosted by the most partisan insiders, the base is asking questions.

Why are we paying so much for power and heat? Why are we having so many grid alerts threatening electricity brownouts? And when exactly did I sign up to support Net Zero decarbonization schemes?

Where’s the income tax cut we were promised? If the government has such a large surplus, why is it looking to raid the Heritage Fund? Why does the government have endless money for foreign corporations, but not for Albertans? 

Then the frustration kicks in. 

Why support a party that continually wanders away from conservative values, week after week, year after year, leader after leader? When am I going to get the smaller government that I voted for? Who is really running this party anyway?

Folks come to me with these questions, as I am a former MLA with more than decade served in the Legislature. But I don’t have any good answers to give them.

The folks I know best – the grassroots, Alberta-first conservatives - are not getting what they voted for, not even close. For them, the UCP has been a massive disappointment.

Created out of a merger of the Wildrose and the PC parties, the UCP was supposed to banish the corruption of the Redford Toryland era once and for all. It was supposed to put party members back in control of a runaway freight train. It was supposed to be an era of free market optimism, featuring an economy that grows from the ground up, giving every Albertan a chance to compete and prosper. 

Those were the terms of the merger, spelled out in the unity agreement. But that agreement, it turns out, wasn’t worth the paper it was written on. As for the small-c fiscal conservative vision it outlined, no one has seen it in years. Is it any wonder folks are once again searching for something better?

From my perspective, if we’re talking about the need for an alternative, we can take some inspiration from history. I’m certainly not referring to the Frankenstein’s monster that the UCP has become. Rather, I’m talking about the lesser-known merger between the Wildrose and Alberta Alliance parties back in 2008.

This merger was the first domino to fall in the creation of a viable and truly conservative alternative in Alberta. Within four years the Wildrose Alliance shook the out of touch PC establishment to its core by becoming Alberta’s Official Opposition. And, by 2015, this movement helped to successfully end the deeply corrupted 44-year PC dynasty.

Unfortunately, the public image of Wildrose shifted to become a party of dysfunctional power scrabbling, best illustrated by Danielle Smith’s betrayal and floor crossing. But this should not overshadow the selfless efforts of thousands of grassroots conservatives who worked so diligently to create and build the Wildrose Alliance. Their quiet and consistent commitment to grassroots democratic principles, and willingness to put Alberta first, inspire me still.

The goal of the Wildrose Alliance movement was always two-fold: first to end the reign of a government that had completely lost its way; and second to replace it with something better. The first goal was achieved, but the second remains an unrealized dream.

But that dream doesn’t have to remain forever out of reach. 

There is no law of politics that requires constant public subservience to a self-serving class of government insiders and foreign-directed overlords. Our families and communities have always deserved better. 

I’m certainly not willing to give up the fight. That’s why I am calling on all grassroots, Alberta-first conservatives to support a new effort.

Over the past year I have been quietly building a team dedicated to bringing back true grassroots conservatism. We will be advancing this effort on two fronts. First, we will create a foundation to advance grassroots causes that have been ignored, and even vilified by the current UCP government.

Secondly, we will work towards the creation of an association to unite all grassroots conservatives, free from the current administration’s swamp of insiders, foreign backed lobbyists, and other associated carpetbaggers. 

Our vision remains as it has always been: An Alberta, strong and free, where hard work and dedication bring new hope and new opportunity. An Alberta, where success comes from what you do and not whom you know. An Alberta where the little guy begins every day with a fresh start and a fair chance to get ahead.

Albertans are looking for something better. By working together, I believe we can give it to them. Join us.

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