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Get Your Business Profiled Here!

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Are you a business owner? Would you like to tell your story and have your business profiled? Contact us or register to get your story told.

August 4, 2023

Are you a business owner? Would you like to tell your story and have your business profiled?

The Sun City Sentinel is inviting all Medicine Hat business owners to share their story with our community. All businesses are welcome to participate.

Please let us know the following:

Name, location and what kind of business do you own?

Why did you start your business?

How did you secure funding for the business?

What makes your business unique?

Why did you decide to base your business in Medicine Hat and area?

What advice would you give other entrepreneurs starting a business?

Contact us or register to get your story told.

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If you have a story you'd love to see published on the Sun City Sentinel, drop us a line, or better yet sign up as an author and have your say as often as you like!
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