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After nearly twenty five years in business, Brenda and Ken Montgomery decided it was time to officially retire. Established in 2000, Power Loney Paralegal was created as our own business where we could offer cost effective legal services that were allowed by law.

July 25, 2024

After nearly twenty five years in business, Brenda and Ken Montgomery decided it was time to officially retire. Established in 2000, Power Loney Paralegal was created as our own business where we could offer cost effective legal services that were allowed by law. We also wanted to provide special hands on personalized service and eliminate all unnecessary bureaucracy.
For many years services included representation for most summary conviction criminal offences such as common assault, theft and fraud under $5,000.00, cause a disturbance and impaired driving. This had Ken, a retired Edmonton Police Service detective visiting almost every provincial courthouse in Alberta, and including his police service, appearing before well over 100 provincial court judges, and doing so for almost fifty years. Ken also had involvement with the provincial courts in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and BC.    
Where Ken has also been granted the right of audience before the old Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta, it is also believed he is the only non-lawyer court agent to appear before the Court of Appeal in Calgary.  
Services have always included representation in small claims court (which is now up to $100,000.000), Brenda managed the office and also handled the administration paperwork, including estate and uncontested divorce files. Brenda was very proud of not only offering cost effective and efficient services, but finalizing court applications in record times. Many clients have been amazed.
With our file manager Wanda Doyle, recently retiring after eleven years service, the office will officially close at the end of July, with wrap up and move out taking place in August. There may also be a few files that will carry on into the fall, due to proceedings already before the Courts. 
When Power Loney closes its doors it will have generated over 5400 files. Ken and Brenda are proud of the business they have built and believe they have made a positive difference in the lives of many Hatters and others they have been involved with. Many former clients have also become valued friends. We will retain many memories of the unique and unusual files we have handled, and we are grateful for all of the interesting people we have met and assisted over the years.
And remember, you heard it here first.

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