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Knowing when it's time to grow your business

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Learn the pivotal signs signalling the need for business growth, from overwhelming workloads to limitations on scalability and mental health impact. Get actionable steps to delegate tasks, reassess scalability, and prioritize well-being, ensuring a more sustainable and fulfilling entrepreneurial journey

Knowing when it's time to grow your business
November 30, 2023

As entrepreneurs, we often find ourselves juggling numerous tasks, wearing multiple hats, and feeling the weight of an ever-growing to-do list. There comes a pivotal moment when our plates are not just full but overflowing, signalling the need for a change—a moment when growth becomes essential to your business. Understanding these signs can pave the way for a more efficient and thriving business.

Recognizing the Signs

1. Overwhelmed + Overloaded

When the day-to-day responsibilities start encroaching on your ability to strategize, innovate, and focus on critical business aspects, it's an obvious sign that you're stretched too thin.

Take my experience with social media—I was swamped with it, barely leaving any wiggle room to work on larger items, reach out to clients etc. That realization pushed me to contract another individual to help me with the more day-to-day items which has significantly helped my work process! I try to keep a number of freelancers/contractors in my back pocket to ensure I have access to professionals who could help fulfill projects, responsibilities etc.

2. Limited Scalability

A successful business isn't just about meeting current demands; it's about having the bandwidth to scale and grow for the future. If your workload inhibits your capacity to take on more clients or projects without compromising quality, it's an indicator that your business model might need reevaluation.

3. Mental Health Impact

Statistics shed light on a concerning trend: entrepreneurs tend to sideline their well-being in the relentless pursuit of business triumph. Neglecting self-care amidst the pressures of running a business catapults burnout rates. It's crucial to recognize that nurturing your mental health directly influences your business's effectiveness.

However, let's be honest—it's far easier said than done. Entrepreneurs often pour every ounce of energy into their projects, clients, or the overall business. Struggling to strike that balance? Consider seeking guidance from a mentor or coach to help navigate those barriers. I understand this struggle firsthand—I'm deeply passionate about my work, and as a result, I've found myself skipping meals, up at all hours of the night and sacrificing personal and family time for work commitments.

Steps to Ready Yourself for Growth

1. Assess Your Workload:

Create a detailed inventory of your tasks. Identify repetitive or time-consuming responsibilities that could be delegated or automated. For instance, social media management, administrative tasks, sales, or customer service might be prime areas for offloading.

Consider bringing on a contract position, part-time, (or if needed) full-time employee to help manage the workload. One of the biggest 'clicking' moments in my career was understanding that 'in order to make money - you need to spend money' which really speaks to the importance of investing in your business.

2. Evaluate Your Scalability:

Consider your current workload in relation to your capacity. Are you turning down opportunities due to limitations in time or resources? Assess the potential for expansion and determine if additional support or restructuring is necessary.

You may find yourself wanting to take on more even with your overflowing plates, thinking ‘I’ll find a way to make it work.’ But the question truly is.. Can you? Maybe you put more effort into this project but by default, something else will suffer in return. As entrepreneurs, it is extremely common for us to take on too much and we find it very hard to ask for help, or admit that we may need assistance.

3. Prioritize Mental Well-being:

Entrepreneurship can be demanding, but it shouldn’t come at the expense of your health. Incorporate self-care practices into your routine and be mindful of stress triggers. Remember, a healthy mind drives a successful business. 

‘‘Work-life balance” is something every business owner has heard and strived for. Find ways to shut off your ‘work brain’ and fill pockets of time for self-care, family, or friends. You are more than your business, remember you are a human who has needs, wants, goals, desires etc. If it helps, try scheduling personal time in your calendar - force yourself to prioritize your mental well-being.


Recognizing the signs that it's time to grow your business is the first step towards a more sustainable and fulfilling entrepreneurial journey. Delegating tasks, reassessing scalability, and prioritizing mental well-being are not just business strategies but essential components for success. Embrace growth not only for your business's sake but for your own personal fulfillment.

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