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Creative Writing

Contributing Your Creative Writing is EASY!

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Creative Writing comes in ALL Styles!

Contributing Your Creative Writing is EASY!
February 26, 2024

Submitting your creative writing on Sun City Sentinel is easy and fun! Just sign up for an author's account and send us your most creative thoughts.

Creative writing can be written in any style...

Like... Shakespeare:

In Sun City's realm, where tales do sweetly dwell,
A sentinel stands, in web's wide expanse.
In Medicine Hat, where prairie winds compel,
It calls for scribes to join the merry dance.

"Come forth, ye bards, with stories rich and grand,
Of local lore, where prairie rivers flow.
Let every voice, from this fair Alberta land,
In iambic beats, its unique story show.

Lend ears to whispers of the wind's soft song,
And eyes to sights where only locals tread.
In Sun City's pages, your tales belong,
Where truth and fancy in fine lines are wed.

So, sign thee up, contribute with thy quill,
In this digital stage, let thy words spill."

In rhythm sweet, the Sun City Sentinel,
A platform for the voices pure and true.
In Medicine Hat, let each tale gently swell,
A chorus of the many, not the few.

Or limericks:

In Medicine Hat, there's a site,
Where news stories dance in the light.
The Sun City's call,
Is for one and for all,
To write tales that shine bright and excite.

There's a sentinel known far and wide,
In Alberta, its fame does abide.
So, come join the fun,
Let your stories run,
And in Sun City's pages, take pride.

For the locals with tales to impart,
This platform's a true work of art.
Sign up, take a chance,
In the word dance,
And let your storytelling start.

Perhaps haiku:

Sun City's news calls,
Medicine Hat tales enthrall,
Join, let stories fall.

Sentinel beckons,
Alberta's voices reckon,
Words weave a sun's son.

In prairie's embrace,
Stories find their rightful place,
Write with heart's own grace.

How about Dr. Seuss:

In Medicine Hat, oh what a place,
Lies a site that's full of grace.
The Sun City Sentinel, bold and bright,
Gathers stories day and night.

"Come write with us!" it cheerily calls,
From bustling streets to quiet halls.
"Share your tales, both big and small,
In Sun City, there's room for all!

With a tap, tap, tap on your keyboard so,
Let your wildest stories flow.
From the tips of your toes to the top of your hat,
Write about this, write about that!

In a land where the prairie winds sing,
Your words can dance, your tales can ring.
So why sit still, why just read?
When you can join in, yes indeed!

Sign up, sign in, let's begin,
There's a world of stories to spin.
In Medicine Hat, be part of the news,
In the Sun City Sentinel, where we share all views!"

So come one, come all, don't delay,
In this wonderful world of wordplay.
Where your stories, your tales, your whispers, your shouts,
Can all come together, that's what it's about!

Or in acrostic poetry style:

Stories unfold in Medicine Hat,
Under the Sun City's watchful eye.
New tales emerge, both this and that,
Shared by folks who live nearby.
Hailing from places both far and near,
In every nook of this vibrant town.
News, anecdotes, joys and fear,
Echoing life's rich ups and downs.

Sentinel of the Sun, a beacon bright,
Enticing writers with open arms.
Narrating life's tales, day and night,
Tales of charm, and all life's harms.
Inviting all to share their voice,
Nurturing a community strong and wise.
Eager to listen, to celebrate, rejoice,
Lending an ear to each story's rise.

So remember:

Every voice matters, so come and write,
New stories await, in the Sun's warm light.

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If you have a story you'd love to see published on the Sun City Sentinel, drop us a line, or better yet sign up as an author and have your say as often as you like!
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