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Youth Succumbs to Accident Injuries

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Christian Doll, son of Mike & Josie Doll of Medicine Hat, has passed away due to injuries sustained last week in an accident.

Youth Succumbs to Accident Injuries
July 28, 2024

Medicine Hat, AB - Christian Doll, son of Mike & Josie Doll of Medicine Hat, has passed away due to injuries sustained last week in an accident.
The family posted online that, "we are heartbroken to share with you that our son brother and grandson, Christian Doll, passed away. Our family is devastated."
In light of the tragic loss, the family chose to make the decision for Christian to donate his organs to help other families. They stated, "we know what we were going through as a family, losing Christian, and we now, very unfortunately, understand what other families are going through when faced with losing their child, brother, sister, mom or dad. There was no answer for our precious boy but he could be the answer and game changer for as many as 8 people. We gave the organ placement team 24 hours to match recipients. Overnight, all organs were matched with recipients. We didn’t know before but Christian’s blood type is O+, he was basically a universal donor. We hope, someday, to meet some of the kids and people that Christian saved through his ultimate donation."
The Go Fund Me page set up for Christian and his family to help him recover from his injuries raised just under $80,000.
The family is not sure when they will celebrate Christian's life stating, "our family doesn’t have any answers on a Celebration of Life for Christian yet. While it’s impossible to put something together that captures everything that Christian was, we want to take our time to ensure we create a memorial that represents Christian as best as we can."
"We thank everyone amongst our family, friends and community that have supported our family in so many ways over the last week. We are grateful for that."

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