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Utility Rates for August Rise

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Regulated rate option energy rates on the rise for August.

July 31, 2023

Regulated rate option (RRO) electricity and natural gas rates have gone up for August. This will more than likely increase the level of discussion at city council about supports to help Hatters deal with the increasing cost of energy. It is getting harder and harder for council not to make utility rates a political football that will more than likely be kicked around frequently leading up to the next civic election.

Natural gas is better right now on the RRO than on the fixed contract rate. Electricity RRO rates have almost doubled from June with the May RRO being the lowest level for 2023. The electricity fixed contract rate is almost half of the current electricity RRO.

For more details on electricity and natural gas rates they can be found on the City of Medicine Hat utilities page or here.

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