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Council Highlights June 3 2024

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This summary provides a brief overview of City Council meetings and does not reflect all discussion and debate. For full details, download the agenda package or watch the full meeting on the City of Medicine Hat’s YouTube channel.

Council Highlights June 3 2024
June 4, 2024

This summary provides a brief overview of City Council meetings and does not reflect all discussion and debate. For full details, download the agenda package or watch the full meeting on the City of Medicine Hat’s YouTube channel.
City Council added Police Commission Appointment to the agenda.
Under Councilor Announcements:

  • Councilor Robins acknowledged Seniors Week and encouraged the community to celebrate.
  • Councilor Robins also acknowledged Pride Week and advised the community that there are a number of community events in which to participate.
    City Council received the following items into the corporate record:
  • Public Services Committee Meeting Minutes of May 13, 2024
  • Administrative and Legislative Review Committee Meeting Minutes of May 14, 2024
  • Development and Infrastructure Committee Meeting Minutes of May 16, 2024
  • Energy, Land & Environment Committee Meeting Minutes of May 16, 2024
  • Corporate Services Committee Meeting Minutes of May 23, 2024
    City Council received the following items for information:
  • Municipal Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of May 15, 2024
  • Development Permits approved for period of March 25 - May 5, 2024
  • Community Vibrancy Advisory Board Minutes of March 27, 2024
  • Public Services Outstanding Items of May 13, 2024
  • Development and Infrastructure Outstanding Items of May 16, 2024
  • Energy, Land & Environment Outstanding Items of May 16, 2024
  • City of Medicine Hat Annual Report 2023
  • Corporate Services Outstanding Items of May 23, 2024
  • Police Commission Minutes of April 17, 2024
    Executive Director of Tourism Medicine Hat, Jace Anderson, presented the Destination Marketing Organization 2023 Annual Report.

Under new business, City Council:

  • Approved the potential transaction(s), as defined and discussed in the May 21, 2024, Closed Council meeting, subject to agreements on terms and conditions acceptable to the City Manager and City Solicitor; and approved a motion directing administration to provide appropriate details to the public in the form of a news release as soon as practicable after the parties to the transaction(s) are mutually ready to do so.
  • Approved a motion directing administration to finalize the letter to the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Services requesting support for policing funding, as presented.
  • Ratified the appointment of Onyinye Chukwunyerenwa to the Medicine Hat Police Commission, as determined by secret ballot vote in closed session on June 3, 2024, to fill the current vacancy on the Police Commission with a term expiring on December 31, 2026.

Under Committee Business, City Council:

  • Approved the City of Medicine Hat Environmental Framework report; and received for information, the Action Plan that identifies various high, medium and low priority actions that are planned to be undertaken over the next 25 years recognizing that the Action Plan is meant to adapt and evolve through time, with specific actions being subject to budgetary approvals and timeline revisits as required in the city budget review and approval process.
  • Approved a motion to delegate signing authority for Clean Energy Improvement Agreements and associated change orders, from the Mayor to Managing Director Energy, Land & Environment, or delegate, and that the City Clerk continues to be the second signatory for such documents.
  • Approved a motion denying a tax cancellation for the property owned by Bevo Farms Ltd.
  • Passed Bylaw 4821 to amend the Dishonoured Payment Bylaw. The amendments update the 2025 and 2026 fees for dishonoured payments in alignment with the market rates from the average of the seven mid-sized municipalities along with key budget assumption of anticipated inflation of 3%.
  • Passed Bylaw 4822, amending the Tax Penalties Rate Bylaw 3191. The amendments establish the 2025 and 2026 property tax penalty rate for unpaid taxes using market rates from the average of the rates of the seven mid-sized municipalities. The rate recommendation for 2025 is to increase to 14.5% from 14% for current and arrears penalty rate and to 15% in 2026.
  • Passed Bylaw 4823, amending the Tax Certificate Bylaw 3031 as follows:
    Section Description Current Fee Proposed Fee January 1, 2025 Proposed Fee January 1, 20261(a)For a manual tax certificate$42.00$43.50$45.001(b)For an e-service tax certificate$36.50$37.00$38.001(c)For written assessment information under Section 299 and 300 of the Municipal Government Act$54.50$56.00$57.501(d)(i)Current Assessment Detail Summary Request for Information (Owner Only)FreeFreeFree1(d)(ii)Current tax information (Owner Only)FreeFreeFree1(e)For manual and verbal search information regarding assessments and taxes and other property information (i.e. legal descriptions)$19.00$30.50$31.501(f)For e-services searches (i.e. legal descriptions)$17.00Free (online)Free (online)1(h)Registration of a Tax Arrears Notification$104.00$111.50$115.002Mortgage administration fee per tax account$25.50$26.50$27.50
  • Approved a $200,000 increase of the 2024 Major Operating Expenditure Airport Masterplan Budget. The project has a current budget of $250,000, of which was approved during the 2024 budget update. To enhance the project’s deliverables and reduce the overall cost to the City (by $75,000), two grants were successfully pursued by the City totaling $275,000. The funds received will be used toward the development of an Airport Masterplan and are summarized as follows:
    • $150,000 received from the Province of Alberta Regional Airport Development grant with a $50,000 internal matching commitment requirement.
    • $125,000 received from the Province of Alberta Northern and Regional Economic Development grant with a $125,000 internal matching commitment requirement.
  • Approves distribution of the 2024-2025 Family and Community Support Services Additional Grants per the Community Vibrancy Advisory Board recommendations, as presented.
    Our Collective Journey To provide a resilience coach service tailored for adolescents, focusing on resilience.$80,000
    Big Brothers Big Sisters Association of Medicine Hat and District To recruit, screen and train conscientious high school students to become Teen Mentors to Grade 3, 4 and 5 students in a 10-week program.$34,000
    Medicine Hat Women's Shelter Society To provide a Children's Support Group program from September to June for children 6 to 12 years old who have been impacted and exposed to family violence.$30,000
  • Gave first reading of Bylaw 4820 to amend the Land Use Bylaw. The amendments would see 1720 Bell Street SW rezoned to Medium Density Residential District to accommodate future development.
  • Gave first reading of Bylaw 4824 to amend the Land Use Bylaw. The amendments would see a portion of 620 Porcelain Ave SE rezoned to Business Industrial District to accommodate use of an existing building.
    Under notices of motion, City Council approved a motion from Councilor VanDyke as follows:
    WHEREAS the Alberta Municipalities Distinguished Service Award recognizes an elected official who has served 20 or more years in one or more Alberta municipalities;
    AND WHEREAS Councilor Robert Dumanowski has served on the Medicine Hat City Council since 2001, proving his unwavering dedication to municipal government and our community;
    AND WHEREAS Councilor Dumanowski’s contributions have played a crucial role in the well-being and growth of the community and his extensive experience and commitment makes him a deserving candidate for recognition;
    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Councilor Robert Dumanowski be nominated for the Alberta Municipalities Distinguished Service Award.
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