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Home & Garden

Your New Build Could Benefit From Multi-Phase Property Inspections

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Building your own home is an exciting and unique opportunity to build your dream home. Having your new home inspected throughout the process may protect your investment.

Your New Build Could Benefit From Multi-Phase Property Inspections
September 9, 2024

Building your own home is an exciting and unique opportunity to craft the exact plans you want, and watch them be brought to life for you and your family to enjoy. But, since many different hands will touch your home – from multiple trades, including contractors – throughout its construction, it makes sense to set up a series of new home construction inspections to protect your investment and keep you safe.

By instituting multi-phase property inspections, you’re ensuring that any issues are found early so that they don’t end up causing greater problems down the road. Working with your home inspector, you can set up intervals that best meet the needs of your home’s construction plan. 

Key Inspection Points in Your New Build

Here are three intervals that often present the best opportunities to find and fix common construction problems as soon as possible via multi-phase property inspections:

Foundation Inspection: Laying the Groundwork for a Solid Home

Prior to the slab being poured, an inspector can evaluate the surface preparation for the home as well as assess sewer and drain lines.

Pre-Drywall Inspection: Unveiling Hidden Issues

This is completed prior to the installation of the home’s insulation and drywall, but before the walls are closed in. This is a prime time for an inspector to get a look at the plumbing pipes, electrical wiring, duct installation and roof structural frame.

Final Punch-Out Inspection: The Finishing Touches

This is the typical home inspection most buyers arrange prior to closing. An inspector will evaluate the home’s plumbing, electrical and mechanical systems, roof, doors and windows. This final inspection is especially effective when the first two have been carried out since, at this late stage, an inspector can only base evaluations on what they can see. 

By arranging multi-phase property inspections with your home inspector as part of your new construction plan, you’ll be rest assured that your new home will be as sound as possible when you and your family are ready to move in.

Don’t Let Construction Pitfalls Ruin Your Dream Home

There are multiple trades involved in the construction process, including contractors. Like any profession, workers can range from highly professional to completely unreliable. And, in many cases, you won’t know the difference until an experienced home inspector scrutinizes your new house.

Have questions about common problems that can arise for new builds or details on any of our inspection services? Answers are just a call or email away.

To book your new home inspection, contact Steve Fraser at 403 878 7580.

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