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Successful PRPS Spring Council of School Councils

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Prairie Rose Public Schools hosted the spring Council of School Councils recently and had a good turnout, with parent representatives from schools who have never attended before. The activity was learning how to make a vermicomposting bin, which everyone present engaged in with enthusiasm.

Successful PRPS Spring Council of School Councils
April 17, 2024

On Tuesday, April 9, the Council of School Councils had their spring meet up at Prairie Rose Public Schools (PRPS) division office. Representatives from the parent councils of Bow Island Elementary, Burdett, I.F. Cox, Margaret Wooding, Parkside, Ralston, Schuler, Seven Persons and Warren Peers schools were in attendance. The evening started off with a supper before moving into the activity for the evening. Roxanne Doerksen of TRAD Worm Industries joined the meeting with enough supplies for attendees to pair up and create a functional vermicomposting bin.

“This was an activity they could learn that the students can do at schools. We are hearing lots about schools building outdoor learning areas. This is the time of year with it being spring and this is curriculum related so why not get the elementary students engaged? The compost can be used in outdoor or flower gardens they are building in the schools,” said organizer of the evening Trustee Patty Rooks. “There is lots of cross-curricular learning here that can be taken back to teachers and it’s a great way to get parents engaged with those teachers where they can show them what they are learning and possibly volunteer in the classroom. You never know what may transpire between what we’ve created here with the parent councils, the parents and the school community.”

At the last meeting in fall 2023, the activity was chair yoga and the PRPS therapy dogs were brought in. A discussion took place about resources available in the schools, such as Family School Liaison Workers (FSLWs). “The aim was to get the word out because the more our parents know and can share with their councils, the more they can engage parents and utilize the resources we have and just engage the whole community so much better,” explained Rooks.

After the activity there was a short break before Karen Blewett, Community Development Officer with Alberta Arts Culture and Status of Women, gave a presentation on designing effective meetings with a focus on creating agendas.  

Rooks feels lucky that the PRPS Board gave her free reign to design the Council of School Councils meetings. The purpose of the meetings is to engage all parent councils from across the district and have them come together to have a learning opportunity. Rooks wanted to create a format that was engaging with topics and activities those in attendance could take back to their schools. She also wanted to enhance, improve and/or build upon their knowledge by providing them with tips and strategies, particularly those schools with new councils.

It was a good turnout with representatives from schools who have never attended the meeting in the past. “I’ll be honest, it can be scary to come to a new meeting you’ve never been to before, but I’m proud of them for coming and picking up on those tips. I’ve watched them throughout the night engaging with other parents and asking for some feedback. That’s what tonight is about as well, is talking to your peers and learning how they are successful or not successful,” concluded Rooks.  

By Samantha Johnson, Prairie Rose Public Schools Content Writer

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