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So, where we may assume these are the MHPS members injured, who are these members? Are their injuries serious? And, how are they doing? The MHPS webpage suggests that “Given the ongoing nature of both the ASIRT and MHPS investigations no additional details will be provided”.

August 8, 2024

As a retired Edmonton police officer I know there is nothing as scary as responding to a person with gun complaint, and especially one where the reporter indicates a shot’s been fired.

And, it’s for that reason police are supposed to be specially trained and have special policies in place so they know how to respond and deal with these types of incidents, and especially so any involved officers and the public’s safety comes first. 

So, let’s see what we know now.

An ASIRT release advises that on Saturday, 27 July 2024 Medicine Hat police received a call from a civilian who indicated a gun was discharged by the occupant of a suite at an apartment building in the 200 block of 8 Street SW. 

The actual building, depicted above is an eight suite apartment complex, and where the door was locked when the writer popped by, looking in the front window you can see there are stairs leading up to the upper level that has four suites, two facing to the rear and two facing the front, and there are stairs leading downstairs to four more suites similarly located. 

If standing on the upstairs landing one would be above and have a direct view of anyone standing outside the front glass door and entranceway. And, I would suggest, if you had a firearm, and were not seen, you would have the element of surprise and an advantage against any proposed targets standing out front.  

The ASIRT release indicates that where officers attending were able to remove several occupants from the building, that while standing by the front entrance of the building a gun was discharged from within the suite, which injured several of the attending officers. Police then immediately returned fire and retreated from the building.

It will be interesting to learn if the weapon was in fact fired from someone standing on the landing inside the front entrance or from within a suite as suggested. 

The release continues that Tactical members arrived and later removed an injured man, since identified as thirty-year old Cole Scory from within the apartment building, and a firearm since confirmed to be a shotgun. Scory has since been charged with 12 different charges including four counts of attempted murder respecting four different MHPS members.

So, where we may assume these are the MHPS members injured, who are these members? Are their injuries serious? And, how are they doing? The MHPS webpage suggests that “Given the ongoing nature of both the ASIRT and MHPS investigations no additional details will be provided”. 

Why not, what’s the big secret? And, why would the release of such information affect any investigation? I suggest it wouldn’t.

I also suggest Hatters have a right to know. These are members of OUR police service. 

Attending the Courthouse, I requested and received a copy of a Replacement Information dated 30 July 2024, which details the twelve charges laid against Mr. Scory. I note this is public information.   

So, the MHPS officers presumed injured and named as the alleged victims of attempted murder are Cst. Juan Quintas-Betancur, Cst. Eric Marshall, Cst. Mackenzie Kipta and Cst. Beverly Kennedy. 

I am now imploring MHPS Chief Murphy to provide a proper media release to advise Hatters and the many others who care and worry about these officer’s, to let us know how they are doing and what’s really happening, and do so while appreciating he cannot release information respecting anything that would affect or jeopardize any court proceedings. 

The issues about why these officers were standing out front of this building together when they knew a person inside was dangerous and not long before a weapon was fired, how containment was or was not done, who was supervising or in charge, or not, were MHPS policies and procedures followed and many other concerns about this incident will be addressed at a later date. 

In the interim, I believe the well being, care and recovery of all officers and persons involved is this community’s first priority!

And remember you heard it here first!

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