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Moving To and From Medicine Hat: Why We Chose to Stay

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Hey there, fellow Medicine Hatters and soon-to-be Medicine Hatters! I want to take you on a journey through my experiences and why I decided to stay put in this charming little gem we call Medicine Hat. Believe me when I say that this place is more than just a "small town" - it's a vibrant, lively community that stole my heart from the very beginning.

July 30, 2023

From Actual Small Town to Medicine Hat

Let's rewind back to 2016 when my husband and I left our small town in South-Eastern Saskatchewan, a place where everyone knows everyone, where amenities were scarce, and satisfying a Subway craving meant driving two towns over. We decided to pursue our dreams in the Art and Design program here at Medicine Hat College for a very compelling reason: it was the only program that offered us real-world experience through a work term. This unique opportunity meant that we could gain practical knowledge while still studying, giving us a leg up on our education and careers moving forward.

From the moment we arrived, we were captivated by the artistic atmosphere and the many things to do/see. I'm very aware that the people who grew up in Medicine Hat may overlook its charm and call this city a 'small town'. Coming from a person that was raised in an actual small town, this is not that.

After living here for a few years, I was able to understand that Medicine Hat does have a 'small town mentality,' which I personally love about the city. It feels warm and inviting, with many community groups and connections between its people. The decision to stay after graduation was an easy one. We had found our people in the local artist community and knew we belonged. It felt nice to know your neighbours, run into a friend at a coffee shop, or be known rather than ignored, feeling like a number in the crowds of a metropolis. Our city is spread out over the hills, with no major skyscrapers, and truly has a beautiful community where people are engaged and thoughtful. I feel every weekend, there are markets, pop-ups, music, and so many things to experience. My husband and I felt like we had found our home within the first year of being 'Hatters.'"

Standing Strong: Choosing to Stay When Others Chose to Leave

Now, I won't lie to you - many of our friends over the years chose to move away from this city and we completely understood their reasons. They had concerns about the city being labelled a "retirement community", thought there wasn't enough to do, or that their line of work wouldn't thrive here. They worried about the growth of Medicine Hat and felt it was lagging behind. But you know what? That never stopped us from falling head over heels for this place.

Medicine Hat offers a unique blend of small-town charm and big-city potential. It's precisely this duality that gives the city its character and allure. For someone like me, who comes from a genuinely small town, this feels like big-city living! I can't get enough of the vast landscapes, the rolling hills, and the breathtaking coulees that surround us.

The heart of this city lies in its people and the strong sense of community. I love visiting local shops where the owners know me by name and where I feel genuinely connected. It's exhilarating to be part of community groups that allow me to make a difference and contribute to a place I hold dear.

While running my own business focused on Marketing, Motion Design, and Graphic Design/Branding; I was told that Medicine Hat "Isn't ready for Motion Design," and to me, that just seemed ridiculous! I firmly believe that we shouldn't wait for the city to catch up; instead, we should take the lead and pave the way for new and exciting initiatives. Yes, it may come with its challenges, but trust me, the journey is incredibly rewarding. Taking the lead and paving the way for new and exciting initiatives is not just about our business; it's about pushing Medicine Hat forward into a brighter, more creative future. We have the power to shape the city we love, and that, my friends, is absolutely worth every effort and determination.

Embrace the Magic of Medicine Hat: A City Full of Potential & Promise

Are you contemplating whether to move to Medicine Hat or seek new horizons elsewhere? Let me share a heartfelt message for those on the fence - Medicine Hat is a place of immense potential, and it's up to us, its passionate residents, to bring that potential to the forefront. This city may not boast the towering skyscrapers of a metropolis, but there's something magical about being part of a community that's still growing, evolving, and creating its own unique identity.

Sure, like any place, there might be challenges to overcome, but isn't that the thrill of life? Instead of shying away from these obstacles, let's face them together, hand in hand, and build a brighter future for Medicine Hat. This is a city that thrives on the unity and dedication of its people, and together, we have the power to shape its future.

Speaking from the depths of my heart, I am utterly passionate about this city. My unwavering drive to see Medicine Hat thrive keeps me going every single day. I don't want to merely exist in this community; I want to be one of the trailblazers, setting ablaze fresh and exciting ideas that propel Medicine Hat ahead of its time. Let's turn heads and ignite the spark of curiosity in others who witness our city's transformation.

Imagine a place where innovation and creativity flow freely, where fresh perspectives are celebrated, and where the arts flourish. It may not be an easy task, but I assure you, the fulfillment of making a difference in the place you love is incomparable.

To my fellow locals and future residents considering calling Medicine Hat home, let's unite and embrace the wonders of this extraordinary city together. This is a place with a soul, where dreams and ideas find fertile ground to grow and flourish, a place where the community truly matters. Despite our size, this a city that stands tall in the face of challenges and seizes opportunities to evolve.

And as for me, I am here to stay, invest, and contribute my heart and soul to make Medicine Hat an even better place. Let's embark on this remarkable journey of growth and transformation hand in hand. Together, we will leave an indelible mark on this city, one that resonates for generations to come. So, I invite you to join me in embracing the magic of Medicine Hat, where we can shape a future that exceeds our wildest dreams!

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