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Getting students off to a healthy start each school day at Oyen Public School

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For the past six years, the breakfast program at Oyen Public School has been delivering a hot meal along with daytime snacks to all students in the school. The program is financially supported by Prairie Rose Public Schools division office along with the Oyen community stepping up to donate food and funds.

Getting students off to a healthy start each school day at Oyen Public School
June 5, 2024

The breakfast program at Oyen Public School (OPS) has been running for about six years and came about to ensure every student at the school had the opportunity to begin their day with a healthy meal. Between 40 to 120 K-6 students access the program each day depending on what is on offer, with higher numbers usually showing up when there is fresh fruit available.

Vice Principal at OPS Deanne Smigelski said, “the breakfast program means so much to all of our students and the community loves our breakfast program. Mrs. Stammers is always ready to greet and serve the students and they are so excited. They connect in the hallways while waiting in line and, when they are back in the classroom, they have time to share and talk to one another while having their breakfast, we always carve out time for that. We know nutrition is important for their learning and maintaining energy throughout the day. It’s a valued part of our culture here at OPS and Mrs. Stammers is always amazing and has a smile in the morning when you walk in, which sets the atmosphere for our day.”

Grade 5 student Cruz loves, “just how nice Mrs. Stammers is when I come here and her having a smile on her face each time I see her.”

Carla Stammers has been an Educational Assistant for 24 years and this is her second year of running the breakfast program. The program receives grants from the division office at Prairie Rose Public Schools along with donations, either monetary or food, from the community.

“This fruit was donated by one of the local restaurant owners who’d been in Calgary. We get a grant from the school division and that helps throughout the year, and we get money donations from parents and local businesses, our Serenity Chapter gave us $500 the other day. I try to keep a variety of snacks, so they all have a choice of what they want and not just the same thing every day,” explained Stammers.  

With fresh fruit on offer, the lineup of students went down the hall with Mrs. Stammers greeting each by name and asking about their day and what they would like for breakfast. A good number chose only to have fruit, but many also wanted hot food as well. All the students were polite and respectful and thanked Mrs. Stammers before leaving.

“I love seeing the kids in the morning and the smiles on their faces. I just want to feed them and I love to cook,” concluded Stammers.

By Samantha Johnson, Prairie Rose Public Schools Content Writer

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