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Ecuador Challenge For Shelter

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Women’s shelters in Canada need our support now more than ever to fund their lifesaving and life-changing work.

July 31, 2023

In November 2023, Sarah MacKenzie, Co-Founder of The Home Team | Royal LePage Community Realty will be joining Royal LePage colleagues from across Canada to trek 5 days towards one of the highest active volcanoes in the world in Ecuador! During this high-altitude adventure, Sarah will be hiking long days across varied terrain in unpredictable mountain weather. She’ll be camping in a tent and going without cell service, electricity, bathroom facilities and other comforts of home. This trek will not be easy, but it will be immensely worthwhile.

Each step taken and every dollar raised will support courageous individuals and children in the Medicine Hat community who are seeking safety and hope for a life free from abuse.

Women’s shelters in Canada need our support now more than ever to fund their lifesaving and life-changing work. In 2022 alone, 184 Canadian women and girls were killed by violence. Shelters across the country are reporting rising rates of domestic violence and more women than ever who are reaching out for help. While most of our lives have returned to normal, there are women and children in all corners of the country who continue to flee the danger within their homes and working to rebuild their future after experiencing domestic violence.

“We are honoured to receive the fund raised by Sarah over these past few years which have gone along way in ensuring we are able to keep our doors open and programs and services available for vulnerable families in our community who are not safe in their own homes.” Says Medicine Hat Women’s Shelter Society Executive Director Natasha Carvalho. “In Medicine Hat last year we served over 1200 individuals in our various programs. The MHWSS works hard to ensure our services are accessible, inclusive and offer respect and dignity for all those whose we are privileged to serve. Funds raised will be used to ensure our shelters and services are here for the long term.“

The facts about violence against women and children:

• Half of all women in Canada have experienced at least one incident of physical or sexual violence since the age of 16.

• 67% of Canadians personally know a woman who has been abused.

• On average, every six days a woman in Canada is killed by her current or former intimate partner.

• 362,000 Canadian children are exposed to domestic violence each year.

• Shelters are critical to the safety and well-being of women and children fleeing domestic violence.

The most dangerous time for a woman is when she leaves her abusive partner. To join Sarah MacKenzie in making it easier for women and children to walk safely and bravely away from violence and gain hope for a future without abuse, please visit her online fundraising page at

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